Your First Drive: The Best Moments from January

Last updated 3 years ago
First Drive Contest
Last updated 3 years ago

Taking the keys of your new car is a moment of immense pride. We asked you to share your first moment in your own Spinny Assured car and we received amazing stories from you.

Whether its adding a splash of colour to the road or an adventurer’s new companion, we loved every single one of your cherished moments. Here are the top moments from the month of January that were special in every way.

A Dash of Colour

Yellow Tiago owner

As a travel blogger with a love for food, Rahul appreciates the colourful side of life. His car is an extension of this philosophy and we’re certain his dashing yellow Spinny Assured Tata Tiago is grabbing attention on the streets of Chennai.

An Adventurer’s Companion

A true adventurer at heart, Rohit is always ready to set off on his bike to a new destination. To share his love for adventure with his friends, his Spinny Assured Maruti Suzuki Baleno will be a trusted travel companion. We’re looking forward to seeing where the roads take Rohit and his Baleno.

Happiness Home Delivered

White Tata Tiago owner

Nothing describes the excitement of seeing your car arriving in front of your house. That’s the same excitement and happiness that Arihant and his wife felt as their Spinny Assured Tata Tiago made its way to be delivered. We know the couple can’t wait to head out on their first drive on the streets of Mumbai.

If you’ve recently become the proud owner of your own Spinny Assured car and want to share the joys of your first drive with us, see how you can participate in the Your First Drive contest. Share your first drive story with us and you could be the lucky winner to receive a Bose Soundlink Micro Bluetooth speakers!


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